Element X standby buzz with Power Amp

Been using the Element X for the past year with a Power Amp (always on), in the last 2-3 months I've noticed a low buzz coming out of the speakers when the Element X goes to standby.
I'm thinking that one of the most recent firmware updates possibly added this noise.

From my understanding there will be a buzz if one end of the RCA cables is open (unplugged). I've tested taking the DAC out and buzz is still there, removing cables is silent. I've then factory reset the DAC and before playing music I've switched it on and off, buzz was not present. Also if the DAC is on without playing the noise is not there.
Should the Element X be "shorting" the ground when going to standby and maybe something that was removed recently? I've seen one of the firmware updates had a fix for DSD/standby buzz.

Is it possible to downgrade the firmware to test?

Kind regards
Hi Pompi
Is the buzz loud enough to be recorded? Can you record the sound and share to me?
Hi, it's only audible if it's very quiet or from next to the speaker, I can try but if it picks it up it will probably enhance/make it louder on the recording, unless you want just to get the idea on how it sounds. Like I said it sounds the same by just leaving the DAC side of the RCA cables unplugged, so might just be when the Element X goes to standby it opens the circuit instead of "shorting" it, grounding.

I've attached the recording here, couldn't work out how to send via PM, hope it works.
Hi Pompi,
Sorry I can't find your attached file. Can you upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox or some other similar network drive?
Can you calrify if it is a short sound only happen when the unit going to standby ? Or a continious sound during the unit staying standby?
It's continuous/permanent until the unit is switched on again.

Hope this works:

Got your recording.
When this buzz is coming out from the speakers, unplug the power supply of element X, would the buzzing stop?
Buzz continues if the DAC is unplugged (open end RCA so normal), but I've noticed the DAC seems to have it's own "hum" coming from the unit, not sure if that was always there.
Once I plug back the DAC and switch it on without music the speakers are quiet, I've mentioned before that resetting the unit to factory defaults seems to stop the buzz at the speakers when in standby.
Hi Pompi
We released 2 firmware updates to the element series products.
The 1st time is B91901 firmware whch was released at Feb 3rd. The 2nd time is C02001 which was released at Nov 5th.
Are you sure the issue came at 2-3 months ago?
We will double check if the recent 2 firmwares may causes the issue reported.

By the way, the city we based at, Xi'an, now is in lockdown due to a new wave of COVID-19 outbreak, and we have no expected time of unlock. We are not able to get to our office. So the response may not fast enough. Please understand.

Hi appreciate that and sorry to hear, hope everyone is keeping safe.
Is there a way I could downgrade the firmware to test? I don't think the issue was that old (feb) unless I didn't update it on time.
(01-04-2022, 08:48 AM)Pompi 提到: Hi appreciate that and sorry to hear, hope everyone is keeping safe.
Is there a way I could downgrade the firmware to test? I don't think the issue was that old (feb) unless I didn't update it on time.

Hello Pompi,
Please send over the Serial number of your unit. And I will tell you what to do next.



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